Featured Product: 14′ x 16′ Floating Hexagon

Big, strong, and fun. No, I’m not talking about that fun uncle that used to throw you around in the deep end of your local pool; I’m talking about the floating hexagon dock by CanadaDocks™!


The Cadillac of floating docks

If you’re reading this blog post, you’ve no doubt seen at least a few of our other products (and if you haven’t, now is a great time to look! Go ahead, I’ll wait). The dock sizes are all 4′ x 8′, 8′ x 8′, or 8′ x 16′. That is, except for our hexagon docks- those size in at 14′ x 16′! Think of all the margaritas and recliner chairs that can hold! Because of its substantial size, the hexagon feels very spacious, and really adds to the feeling of openness at any lakeside cottage.

Multi-use, multi-configuration

The floating hexagon makes for the perfect dock on large open spaces of water. The 14′ x 16′ size is very spacious, and because it sits on floats, you can move it practically anywhere on the water. This means that you can use the floating hexagon dock as a swimming raft as well as a dock! There is room for chairs and swimmers alike, and there’s no better activity for the kids during a hot summer day than playing on the water with a swimming raft. If you want to make it even easier to get back to land, the CanadaDocks™ floating hexagon also has five 8′ sides, allowing easy attachment to any CanadaDocks™ ramp or dock on any side; there are countless combinations, so you can configure it however you’d like.

Inexpensive, but not cheap

Here at CanadaDocks™, we want you to shop around for other docks. We know that if you do a price comparison between our docks and any similar docks in both quality and size, you will see a difference- our docks cost less. Why is that? Well, our docks are certainly not built cheaply; the difference between us and our competitors is that at CanadaDocks™, we manufacture all the docks ourselves. Each dock is stamped, not welded, and built from premium-grade aluminum in our manufacturing facilities in Beeton, Ontario (just 30 minutes north of the Greater Toronto Area). Not only do we manufacture all our own docks, but we do something a little special just for the hexagon docks- we practically put it all together for you! With our floating hexagon dock, we manufacture and build the dock here at our facilities, and then ship the dock out to anywhere in Canada in two halves that can be easily put together on-site! At CanadaDocks™, we strive to make your dock experience easy right from the get-go.


If you’re looking for a great multi-functional dock this summer, you can’t go wrong with a floating hexagon dock by CanadaDocks™.

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