Why Autumn is a Good Time to Purchase a New Dock

When Labour Day passes and less time is spent at the cottage, the plan to replace an old broken dock is put on the back burner for next Spring. Purchasing a new dock in Autumn has a lot of benefits to your wallet and time management.


At this time of the year many dock manufacturers are planning for price increases for the new year. This is often the result of rising costs of materials. With today’s uncertainty with trade agreements and tariffs, buying in the fall ensures you are getting a new dock before the dock prices rise. On top of buying ahead of the price increases, dock companies are looking to shed inventory before heading into the winter. Keep an eye out for fall inventory promotions.


By Thanksgiving Weekend many cottagers take out their dock or prepare it for the winter months. This is a good time to purchase and build the new dock so when Spring arrives, its ready to be installed and you can focus on other projects. If building your new dock now is not something you want to take on right away, work away on it during the winter and have it ready for the Spring install.

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