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Lifting your personal water craft (PWC) or boat out of the water has many benefits. Lifting it out of the water between uses keeps it out of danger from unsuspecting wakes or waves.
Our lifts are manufactured with an all aluminum structure and stainless steel bolts and cables. Minimum maintenance required allows you to spend more time out on the water. Our lightweight and durable lifts allow you to move them in and out as the seasons change.
All lifts come with a grease able pulley with fittings and side guides. The 1200lbs lift are shipped broken down and easily assembled. For assembly instructions, click the link below.
NOTE: All CanadaDocks™ Boat Lifts need to be removed from frozen bodies of water during the winter months.
Weight Capacity: 1200lbs / 544kg
Overall Weight: 140lbs / 63kg
Maximum Beam: 74″
Lifting Height: 42″
Overall Width: 82″
Overall Length: 96″
Bunk Length: 7′ 5″
Recommended Water Depth for Installation:
Minimum Water Depth: 2′ or at same level as cross bar.
Maximum Water Depth: 6″ above cross bar.”
At CanadaDocks™, we take great pride in designing and constructing top-quality standing docks, floating docks, and dock accessories. All our docks are proudly manufactured at our state-of-the-art facility in Beeton, Ontario, conveniently located just 30 minutes north of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
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